Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2013

Top Ten Tuesday-It is a meme created by aime at The Broke and the Bookish where you create a list of your top ten favorite of any given category. This week we are creating a list of some of our bookish goals for 2013.

1.One of my bookish goals is to share 10 books that I have loved in the past! I usually never get to share books with people, so that is why it is one of my main goals for the year! Hoping to host some awesome giveaways!

2.I'm going to ONE day this year....finally start reading the Harry Potter series.

3.I'm going to TRY my VERY hardest to read 90 or more books this year. Hopefully I can achieve this! Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds!

4.Try to get rid of my ARCs and then get the hardcovers of them. Yep, I really just said that.

5.Try to fit a bookshelf into my room. Yes, I know, I ACTUALLY don't own a bookshelf...just....piles of books.

6.Try to read a 1000 page book.

7.Try to draw some wicked fan art for Cinder by Marissa Meyer( for those who don't know, I'm a HUGE fan of her books!).

8.I'm hoping that I can get some book posters to hang in my room. My room is slightly blank on the walls, so hopefully I'll be able to get some beautiful posters up.

9.Buy some nerd fighter shirts. ;D

10.NOW, my last goal is to....limit my buying...."signs"...I have tons of books that I need to read, so I feel like I should control my buying..."gulps"...this will be treacherously hard.


  1. I know what you mean about the buying--and after 30 some odd years of living in my house I finally have a book case, so hang in there. good luck with your goals. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  2. Great goals! I'm also with you on the buy-less-books goal! My TBR is crazy high! You should definitely read Harry Potter, it's a great series!

    Good luck with reaching your goals!
    My TTT

  3. Harry Potter is on my list to reread this year. :) I hope you enjoy the series! Love the photo of the bookcase! Cute shirt! I love my Divergent shirt (actually wearing it today even). A common theme seems to be limiting buying books this year. It made my Top Ten list too. Happy Reading!

  4. I also dont own a bookcase - definitely a goal for this year!

    Top Ten Tuesday

  5. I don't have a book shelf either and you should totally read the Harry Potter books, they are pretty good. Also I feel bad saying this but the spending is not going to stop, I have tried and eventually I just put a cap on how much i spend [that is a lie too] on books and nerd merchandise.

  6. Buying a bookshelf - possibly the best goal I have read out of all the TTTs today! I hope that it is a large one with a ladder that you can swing along on like Belle in Beauty in the Beast. If only! Good luck with all your goals - great list!
    My TTT

  7. I need to read Cinder! You haven't read Harry Potter? They are sooooo good!!!!! 1000 page book...hmmmm...is Gone With the Wind 1000? I liked that one! Good luck!

  8. Wow, I am exteremely jealous of the amount of books you have! Seriously, I dont even have 1/4 of that! And wow, you havent read HP yet? You really need to do that this year already! Lol! :)) Good luck! :P

    My Goals for 2013
    What I'm Waiting on This Wednesday


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